Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The human-operator occupies a key place in the uninterruptable operation of automated control systems. However, his reaction is limited in time, and his mistake can lead to both operational disorders of economics objects and a negative impact on the staff and population. To minimize such situations the professional selection of human-operators should be carefully carry out. In this study based on a computer program has been proposed a technique for the initial selection of human-operators, have been established the basic patterns, on which the time of mental activity depends, and the effect of noise on human-operators’ working capacity has been considered. The study has showed that the proposed technique is effective for initial selection of human-operators, and takes into account the information presentation nature, and, accordingly, the time required by the human-operator to solve the task in hand. The study results allow join the ranks of techniques for professional selection and expand knowledge about the noise effect on the humanoperator’s working capacity.

human-operator, professional selection, working capacity, time of mental activity, sequential/parallel presentation of information, noise background

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