Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The growing demand for recreation and recreation has turned the recreational field of services into a very large sector of the economy. Market demand in the study is determined by the analysis of official statistics, the construction of time series, the assessment of the dynamics of indicators. The research was based on the methods of economic and statistical analysis, analytical substantiation of the findings, sample observation, comparison method, which allows to determine the differences or commonality of the object with an analog. The article analyzes the market demand for the main types of recreational services: hotel, tourist, Spa. Conclusions are drawn about the growing demand for recreational services. In the sanatorium-resort complex, the number of organizations is reduced at the expense of sanatoriums and children's sanatoriums, but this does not affect their capacity, characterized by positive dynamics. In terms of the volume of services per consumer, the steady leaders were hotel and tourist services, in the direction of the sanatorium-resort complex there is a trend of growth in the number of treated (vacationers), which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of the capacity of the bed capacity. Stimulating the development of the market in the recreational field of services and improving the competitiveness of recreational services can improve the state of the economy, in particular, increase the inflow of foreign capital, GDP growth, increase the number of job vacancies.

market demand, recreational services, market development trends

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