Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the problem of transformation of a personnel management system and its functions in the conditions of digital economy is considered. The role of economy of knowledge and its participation in innovative development and management of modern organization is analyzed, the interrelation of digital economy with business transformation is shown. The concept of digitalization as effective translation process of all information system in the new accelerated format of use of technologies is given. The system of adaptation of personnel as one of significant elements of a personnel management system is considered, the problems which are slowing down successful adaptation of employees are revealed. Effective digital tools are offered: for adaptation of personnel – the automated Test Term 2.0 program, for effective process of training – LMS learning management system, for processing and management of these employees – the information management system personnel (HRIS). The modern directions of development in the sphere of HR bring the organizations to the new level of management of human resources and also increase their competitiveness.

human resource management, HR, digitalization, economy, adaptation, development, efficiency, management, human resources

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