Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim is to identify the degree of infl uence of methods and means of Informatics on the professional activities of the teachers. Research methodology. Methodological approaches are used: systemic, informational, sociocultural, personal. Methods. Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and special literature, materials of discussion platforms of conferences, systematization, generalization. Research problem. On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature to reveal the infl uence of information and communication technologies on the content of professional and pedagogical activity as a component of professional competence of the teacher. Results. The study noted a number of objective and subjective factors that have a significant impact on the ways of the teacher, the organization of training in the information and educational environment (IEE) and the content of the components of professional and pedagogical activity. Thus, the need to purposefully prepare future teachers to work in such an environment is not in doubt. Conclusion. In the article it is noted that the qualitative impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, their role and importance to full-fl edged professional activity of the modern teacher will be meaningful only when ICTs are having a concrete impact on the content of the components of his professional and pedagogical activity, as ICT become key elements in improving the educational system.

competence, professional activity, components of professional activity, information and communication means, information and educational environment

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