Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of integrativity in teaching foreign language in the system of school education. The aim of the integrative approach in teaching a foreign language is to achieve a synergetic effect on the basis of mastering a curricilum and independent use of the language in an externally specifi ed context. The author describes the specifi cs of the integrative approach in the school foreign language course, which lies in interdisciplinary synthesis in mastering a foreign language; inclusive education of children with disabilities and normal students; cultural-based study of native and second languages and comparative analysis of their native and foreign cultures. The author highlights the pedagogical and methodological importance of the integrative approach as an element of holistic education, emphasizes the need for individualization of education in the context of the humanistic paradigm.

integrative approach, holistic education, metasubject competences, interdisciplinary links, inclusive education, intercultural communication

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