Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The process of structural and functional restructuring of the hospital bed fund has been going on in Russia for more than 20 years. The article analyzes the main efficiency indicators of the therapeutic profile bed fund of both round-the-clock and daily stay hospitals in the Russian Federation, in dynamics for 2010–2018 years. For the period 2010–2018 the number of therapeutic round-the-clock hospital beds in the Russian Federation decreased from 134550 to 90839 (by 32.5%), the following indicators decreased: hospitalization rate for therapeutic hospital beds (from 31.0 to 24.7 per 1000 population —  by 20.3%), the provision with these beds (from 9.42 to 7.77 per 1000 population —  by 17.5%), the average treatment duration in a therapeutic bed (from 12.2 days to 10.0 —  by 18.0%) and the average occupancy of a therapeutic bed in a year (from 331 to 325 days —  by 1.8%). In 2018 the extreme values of the indicator of the hospitalization rate for round-the-clock hospital beds in the some regions of the Russian Federation differ by 11.8 times, provision with hospital beds —  by 16 times, average occupancy of hospital beds in a year —  by 1.5 times, average treatment duration —  by 1.5 times. The revealed differences are significant, what indicates the imbalance of the ongoing structural transformations. Mortality in therapeutic beds in the Russian Federation increased: from 1.83% in 2010 to 1.94% in 2018 (by 6.0%). Provision of the population of the Russian Federation with places in daily stay hospitals of a therapeutic profile has decreased: by 5.1% in medical organizations providing inpatient care (from 1.56 per 10000 population in 2010 to 1.48 in 2018), and in the daily stay hospitals of medical organizations providing outpatient care —  by 7.8% (from 5.12 per 10000 of the population in 2014 to 4.72 in 2018). The extreme values of the provision with therapeutic hospital beds in the regions of the Russian Federation per 10000 of the population vary significantly: in daily stay hospitals of medical organizations providing inpatient care —  from 0 in 7 regions to 4.6 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, and in daily stay hospitals of organizations providing medical care on an outpatient basis, from 0 in the YamaloNenets Autonomous district to 13.95 in the Sakhalin, what reflects the disproportionate organization of a network of therapeutic profile daily stay hospitals in the country's regions. In the Russian Federation, during the observation period, the level of hospitalizations in round-the-clock hospitals of the therapeutic profile decreased by 20.3%, while the level of hospitalizations in daily care hospitals of the therapeutic profile of organizations providing inpatient care increased only by 8.8%. At the same time, the level of hospitalizations in daily stay hospitals of the therapeutic profile of medical organizations providing outpatient care even decreased by 1.6% during the same period, indicating a lack of adequate growth the expected substitutional function of daily stay hospitals in the country. The issue of further structural and functional optimization of the bed fund of the country remains relevant.

больничная койка, коечный фонд, сокращение коечного фонда, терапевтический профиль, обеспеченность койками, средняя длительность пребывания на койке, средняя занятость койки в году, дневные стационары, летальность.

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