Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to project-based learning as a method of forming communicative competence in a foreign language in the department of Linguistics. The pedagogical approach to the student-film making process which allows learners to elicit and develop their explanatory, pragmatic and creative potentials is analysed. This method aims at independent and mutual student research, critical evaluation of information sources and further information transfer to new contexts and ideas. The main benefits of implementing the project method in the contemporary teaching process are considered. The study focuses on the main requirements and rubric of student films. The article shows four stages of filmmaking, the role and functions of a teacher at each stage. It is concluded that during the video production process the role of a teacher is a facilitator who contributes to turning students into active, keen graduates who are able to analyse themselves. The results of a survey conducted among students on the video project are analysed.

project technology, project-based learning, student-produced videos, method of video projects, foreign language communicative competence, competence-based education

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