Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Scientific School “Management Theory and Technology” (Senior Researcher)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article assesses the consequences of reforming the vocational education system in Russia and its impact on the quality of graduate training. The need for changes in the education system is due to the transformation of the economy and the development of a knowledge society. The paper analyzes the main results of the reforms carried out since the beginning of the 200s. The conclusion is made that the reform of the education system allowed students to adapt more flexibly to the labor market conditions. It is noted that at present there is a gap between the real availability of professional personnel and their competencies and the needs of the economy. The article emphasizes that the introduction of two-level training for most humanitarian and natural sciences turned out to be optimal, but for a number of technical specialties negatively affected the quality of training. The authors suggest areas for further reform of the vocational education system in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
Bologna process, reform, secondary vocational education, undergraduate education, master’s degree program
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