Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the introduction of inclusive education, children with disabilities of various nosological groups (hereinafter referred to as HIA), with absolutely different states of intelligence, are active participants in the educational process. Federal state educational standards of primary general education for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and children with disabilities are being successfully implemented. Along with others, these regulatory documents guarantee and implement the right of these categories of students for education. And determine whether it will qualify or not. Competent selection and implementation of educational technology teacher for students with disabilities is of paramount importance. It is obvious that at the present stage of development of education it is not enough to form in this category of students only the volume of life competencies. It is necessary to work on a certain amount of the academic component, regardless of the state and depth of the student’s intellectual disability. At the moment, an increase in the requirements for primary general education is recorded. Special Federal state educational standards are developed for primary general education. A number of psychological and pedagogical problems that are associated with the preparation of children with disabilities for further education in the middle level of secondary schools are becoming topical. This problem can be solved by inclusive educational technologies.

pedagogical technology, technology of training, inclusive educational technologies, students with disabilities

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