Russian Federation
The article develops and elaborates the ideas expressed by the author in the previous issue of the magazine; these ones are about the need for rethinking of the theory and practice of motivational work in light of the new, integrative paradigm that meets the requirements of a modern information society at its current digital stage of development. It is shown that the new paradigm of motivation involves a shift from the primarily subject-object review of the critical factors that infl uence the process of determination of organizational behavior to the integrative system analysis and accounting of all phenomena, processes and all employees activities including the managerial and performing ones, that directly determine the behavior of employees of organization in their subject-subject interaction. The main imperatives of integration paradigm are characterized. In the light of this paradigm the new understanding of motivation system of employees is justifi ed, it allows encompassing the main factors that directly determine the behavior of employees, including their destructive activities, in their holistic interaction. The principal elements of motivation system are identifi ed, its bipolar and polystructural nature, its organizational and social environment is justifi ed. On the basis of the conducted analysis the general recommendations for enhancing the eff ectiveness of motivational work and for ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the modern society are off ered.
motivation, stimulation, motivation system, paradigm, activity approach, system approach, motivation system environment
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