Russian Federation
Incentive tourism is gaining popularity in the corporate culture of Russian organizations, as an element of staff motivation. The trends of recent years show that the geography of exotic countries for incentive tourism is expanding, unusual events are offered based on bright, emotional impressions, which are developed in conjunction with customer organizations and MICE agencies or travel agencies. These can be a case studies — traveling with a surprise, interactive incentive programs, team building programs, an interesting quest, etc. Sometimes, the purpose of an organization is to identify employee qualities or to observe how employees will behave in an unusual stressful situation. Incentive travel is the fastest growing sector of the business event industry with the highest expenditure per capita and the most extensive coverage.
incentive tourism, corporate culture of the organization, MICE, business tourism, motivational trips.
1. Aleksandrova A.Yu. Mezhdunarodnyy turizm [International Tourism]. Moscow: KNORUS Publ., 2016. 356 p.
2. V trende - insentiv [In trend - incentive]. BusinessTravel [Business Travel]. 2014, I. 8. Availablr at: (accessed 01 March 2019).
3. Dzhozef Payn II B., Gilmor D. Kh. Ekonomika vpechatleniy. Rabota - eto teatr, a kazhdyy biznes-stsena [The economy of impressions. Work is a theater, and each business scene]. Moscow: Vil’yams Publ., 2005. 304 p.
4. Kigan R., Leykhi L.L. Kul’tura dlya kazhdogo. Kak stat’ organizatsiey osoznannogo razvitiya [Culture for everyone. How to become an organization of conscious development]. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber Publ., 2016. 320 p.
5. Kotler F., Bouen Dzh., Meykenz Dzh. Marketing. Gostepriimstvo. Turizm [Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism]. Moscow: Yuniti-Dana Publ., 2012. 1071 p.
6. Sayt UNWTO [UNWTO website]. Available at: http://publications. (accessed 01 March 2019).
7. Smirnova I.A. Korporativnaya kul’tura organizatsii: psikhologoakmeologicheskie osnovy formirovaniya i razvitiya [Corporate culture of the organization: psychological and acmeological bases of formation and development]. Moscow: KDU Publ., 2009. 192 p.
8. Tematicheskiy turizm [Thematic tourism]. Vse o turizme i otdykhe [Everything about tourism and recreation]. Available at: (accessed 01 March 2019).
9. Eto prosto wow! [This is just wow!]. BusinessTravel [Business Travel]. 2014, I. 3. Available at: (accessed 01 March 2019).
10. Society for Incentive Travel Excellence [Elektronnyy resurs]. Available at: (accessed 01 March 2019).