Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development of the conceptual framework of motivational work in organization. Based on the critical analysis of the fundamental categories of motivation theories presented in modern literature, their failure to render the whole process of determination and understanding of the employees’ behavior is revealed. The necessity for using the broad concept of ‘staff motivation’ is confirmed, it allows covering the diversity of processes that encourage the particular behavior of personnel. The strengths and weaknesses of the motivational-stimulation approach to the determination of the behavior of employees that has become the dominating one in the recent years are revealed. The necessity of transition from the traditional stimulation paradigm which is inherent to industrial society to a modern integrative paradigm that meets the requirements of the information society at the digital stage of its development is confirmed. For standardization and systematization of the major categories of the motivation theory the activity approach is applied; it allows presenting all components of the motivation process in a comparable manner as the various elements and types of the ‘hard’ (past) and soft (‘alive’, present), material and ideal (spiritual) activities. The activity structure of motivational process is considered, it helps to highlight its key components and to take them into account in the practical motivational work. The need for the further development and concretization of the settings and imperatives of the integration paradigm of motivation in its relation to the organizational system of motivation is pointed out. This issue will be considered in the author’s following article ‘Integration paradigm in the study of the organizational system of motivation and motivational practices’ which is planned to be presented in the immediate issue.

motivation, stimulation, motivation system, activity approach, system approach, paradigm.

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