Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the results of the detection of seismic and infrasonic waves generated by a major earthquake and its aftershock (the moment magnitude MW=4.9 and MW=4.2 respectively), which occurred in northern Mongolia under Lake Hovsgool on December 5, 2014. The joint analysis of waveforms of seismic and infrasonic oscillations has shown that the signal recorded by the infrasound station of the Geophysical Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS (ISTP SB RAS) is formed from sources of three generation types: local, secondary, and epicentral. This analysis enables us to propose a hypothesis of generation of epicentral infrasonic signal by flexural waves in an elastic ice membrane on the surface of Lake Hovsgool, which appear during the passage of seismic wave packets. This hypothesis explains the similarity between seismic and epicentral infrasonic signals, negative initial phase of epicentral infrasonic waves, and detection of a weak signal after a small-magnitude aftershock.

aftershock, earthquake, hypocenter, seismic wave, infrasonic wave, flexural wave, epicenter
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