Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Diffuse purulent perforating peritonitis was diagnosed in 41 children aged from 6 hours to 14 years old, including up to 1 year - 15 children (36,5%), 1-4 years old - 1 child, 4-7 years old in 8 children (19%%), 7-14 years old inl8 children (45%). Bowel perforations were caused by complications of diseases and malformations and acute purulent processes in the abdominal cavity. Perforating peritonitis has polymorphism of pyogenic flora, where the most dangerous are the following: Pseudomonas aeraginosae, fungi Candida (albicans, crasei, glabrata, tropicalis), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter cloacae; E.Coli, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus rarely revealed in the children after 4 years of age. The paper focuses on ineffective traditional treatment of children with diffuse perforating peritonitis due to insufficient knowledge of the pathogenesis of the disease and low efficiency of remedial measures. The authors´ developments aimed at improving efficiency of the local rehabilitation of purulent perforating peritonitis continue to be implemented in practice. However, the methods of differentiated treatment of patients with purulent perforating peritonitis are missing in clinical practice. The use of new medical technologies in complex diagnostics and the modern antifungal and highly effective antibacterial drags in treatment of patients contributed to improve treatment outcomes and prevent mortality.

children, perforating peritonitis, infecting agents polymorphism, treatment improving

В последние годы все еще остаются мало изученными и неизвестными широкому кругу врачей современные изменения патоморфоза возбудителей перфоративных перитонитов у детей различного возраста, с необходимостью коррекции проводимого низкоэффективного традиционного этиопатогенетического лечения больных. Углубленное исследование этиопатогенеза перфоративных перитонитов у детей и повышение эф-


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