Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.03 Сельскохозяйственная биология
The estimation of Raushan variety of barley and the new Kamazhevsky variety, which was regionalized in Tatarstan in 2017, is given. The experiment revealed the influence of weather conditions and varieties during the years of research (2015-2017), on the formation of grain productivity, the content of total nitrogen in the aboveground mass of plants, the accumulation of protein in grain and gross harvest of protein per hectare. It is noted that the productivity for different years are different, the highest yields of grain of Raushan and Kamashevsky varieties were obtained in 2017 - 4.62 and 5.21 tons per hectare, respectively, when the hydrothermal coefficient was 1.3 units. In comparison with 2015 the productivity of Raushan variety was higher to 1.89 tons per hectare and to 1.69 tons per hectare in 2016. The same pattern was also found in Kamashevsky variety, 1.64 and 1.52 tons per hectare, respectively. The average productivity of Raushan variety for 3 years was 3.43 tons per hectare, less to 0.73 tons per hectare than Kamashevsky. The highest nitrogen content (close to the optimum 4.7-5.1%) in the aboveground mass was found in 2016 in plants of Raushan variety of 4.3%, Kamashevsky variety 4.0%, whereas in 2017 - 2.89% and 3.32%, respectively. The nitrogen content in dry years is higher in the aboveground mass of the Raushan variety, beginning with the tillering phase - 4.3%, Kamashevsky variety - 4.0%. It was revealed that the maximum content of protein in grain grade Kamashevsky accumulate in arid 2015-2016 years - 13.84%, more by 0.95% than the Raushan variety. In 2017 the protein content in the grain was formed at the same level Raushan 11.77%, Kamashevsky 11.07%. Evaluation of varieties on the gross harvest of protein per hectare, shows that the Kamashevsky variety forms on average 5.37 tons per hectare of protein over 3 years, more than Raushan grade by 1.08 tons per hectare.
barley, variety, quality, yield, nitrogen, protein.
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