Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The new image of a person claimed in society is refl ected in the federal state educational standard of general education. The goal of education is the development of the personality, but attentive reading of the standards of general and higher education indicates a serious contradiction. Method of formation of qualities of a modern person during the XX and beginning of XXI centuries is historically defi ned method of projects on the basis of fulfi llment of the educational task of fi nding and solving the problem.
project method, project research activity, change of accents, training assignment, educational design.
В настоящее время в списке социальных потребностей оказались следующие качества личности:
■ владение универсальными способами деятельности;
■ коммуникативные навыки;
■ владение универсальными учебными действиями учебной деятельности (способность к самообразованию);
■ нормы и эталоны социальной жизнедеятельности (воспитанность).
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7. Dewey J. Moral Principles in Education // Selected Educational writings with an introduction and commentary by G.W. Gar-forth; Lecturer in education university of hull Heiremenn, London, 1966, pp. 197-211.
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