Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
Problems in grinding leucosapphire products with diamond abrasive disks on metal bonds and matters of disk stropping are considered.
leucosapphire, grinding, diamond grinding disk, stropping, loading (glazing)
1. Dobrovinskaya, E.R., Litvinov, L.A., Pishchik, V.V. Sapphire Encyclopedia. - Kharkov: STC “Institute of Mono-crystals”, 2004. - pp. 508.
2. Khandozhko, A.V. Machining technology peculiarities at manufacturing blanks of grown leucosapphire crystal // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. - 2012. - No.2(8). - pp. 19 24.
3. Teplova, T.B., Konshin, A.S., Soloviyov, V.V., Ashki-nazy, E.E. Efficient mode choice for leucosapphire mono-crystal micro-grinding // Mining Information Analytical Bulle-tin. - 2005. - No.9. - pp. 76-83.
4. Novikov, G.V. Efficient Diamond-Abrasive Machining Technologies of Natural Diamonds and Brilliants. Odes-sa:2009, pp. 580.
5. Gusev, V.V., Medvedev, A.L. Regularities in changes of diamond grinding disk cutting ability at stropping with free and semi-free abrasive // Bulletin of DonSTU, - 2009, No.6. - pp. 41-48.
6. Kalafatova, L.P., Poezd, S.A., Shevchenko, V.A. Abra-sive tool stropping method // Modern Metal Cutting Systems in Mechanical Engineering / Proceedings of the 5-th All-Ukrainian Students’ Conf. 5-th edition - Donetsk: DonNTU. 2004. - pp. 179.
7. Lyubimov, V.V., Mogilnikov, V.A., Chmir, M.Ya. Combined Methods of Diamond Grinding: manual: 2-d edition revised and supplemented. - Tula: Publishing House of Tula-SU, 2007. - pp. 100.
8. Khudobin, L.V. Minimization of Abrasive Disk Glazing / L.V. Khudobin, A.N. Unyanin; under the editorship of L.V. Khudobin. - Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2007. - pp. 298.