Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Descriptive geometry, whose subject of study is three-dimensional real and imaginary objects, is available for a specific method both of knowledge deepening and gained knowledge control. Thus apart from visualization of graphic constructions is available a strictly logical sequence of their execution. Using a graphical editor instead of a ruler and compass not only and not so much facilitates routine operations for construction of circles, parallel and perpendicular lines, but allows literally touch geometric images. Choice of one of three methods such as construction, transformation or intermediaries ones, allows a student under testing not only to respond a specific question, but also to choose a more suitable way to solve this problem. Has been presented the description of computer program that allows quickly solve course problems with the prompt, if necessary. Other modes make it possible to exercise self-control or final control of gained knowledge. The program interface is multi-window structure enabling in sequence, on proposed 4–7 steps, solve a problem in the animation mode. A program feature is the absence of false (harmful for the study) questions as options. The right questions of another stage are used as alternative. When the answer to the question is wrong, than the principle of return is used. Have been offered stages and questions for solution of one of typical problems with illustration of a possible computer algorithm. Has been presented a help page variant. A set of tasks, covering the entire course of descriptive geometry, has been presented for a discussion. It has been noted that the described program’s pilot variant was developed and successfully implemented in educational process with use of all formulated principles and modes, including animation and the choice of points coordinates by the random number method.
descriptive geometry, computer program, testing, distance learning, self-control, final control, steps, return, help, algorithm, animation, visualization, multi-window interface.
Целью начертательной геометрии как науки является умение изображать трехмерные объекты на плоскости и решать по ним инженерные задачи.
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