Astana, Kazakhstan
Relevance of the subject matter is caused by the demand of the modern society for high quality workforce, the personneltosolve the tasks of industry and production development particularly in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Therewith, if in the era of industrialization the demand for “gun hands” was high, while the engineering personnel was not so demanded, then in the modern period the need for qualified personnel capable of solving complicated and often unusual tasks is significantly increasing. The demand for semi-skilled employees decreases because of development of the technologies and labor means replacing human workforce. Knowledge, skillsand competences of employees, necessary for modern production sector, become an important factor of the industry. It happens due to the fact that such knowledge, skillsand competences a recurrently required not only from engineeringemployees, manager sand office-management personnel, but also from the employees who should be able to work with the modern equipment by modern technologies. Objective of the Study: The objective of the paper is to study the formation of human capital assets, strategic planning of human capital assets at the modern industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan. Methods of the Study: The leading method for studying the subject matter is strategic analysis(according to the data of the KazStat (RK statistical agency) and other strategic data), as well as selective questionnaires (poll) of the heads of the enterprises. Results of the Study: This paper represents the main approaches to the notion of “human capital assets”. It has been defined that it is a potential of enterprise, i.e. the capacity of the work force to solve both the current and perspective tasks connected with the development. Practical Significance: The materials of the paperrepresent practical value for the industrial enterprises of both Kazakhstan and other countries on the part of the activities connected with personnel management.
human resources, human capital assets, labor potential, HRmanagement, personnel management, personnel policy.
Казахстанская экономика, являясь рыночной экономикой, предполагает существование и работу независимых частных компаний во всех сферах хозяйственной деятельности, включая промышленность.
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