Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The contest of this article is author’s attempt to justify perspectives of using corporate portals, as well as staff involvement management recourse. Special attention is paid to benefits of using corporate portal as well as one of method of staffs’ e-government in modern organizations. Actuality of using corporate portal how the activation of community space caused by abilities of organization to bring together staff to achieve its intended objectives and increasing involvement in corporate space. For his conclusions and recommendations, the author relies on the researching results aimed at demonstrated impact of corporate portal resources for the staff involvement to cases of specific organization. It can be concluded based thereon, that this information space definitely demanded in organization management and contributes for the active involvement to the staff to solute different management decisions.

corporate portal, staff, organization, staff management, staff involvement.

В условиях формирования информационного общества и становления цифровой экономики все большее распространение в организациях получает практика использования электронной системы управления персоналом, вызывающая активные преобразования в построении процессов внутреннего коммуникационного взаимодействия работников.


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