Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Innovation can be defined as the successful conversion of new concepts and knowledge into new products, services or processes that deliver new customer value in the market. Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship, the act of endowing resources with a new capacity to create profits. Innovation can be defined as “a step that creates a new dimension of performance”. Innovation is the embodiment, combination and/or synthesis of knowledge in new, relevant, valuable new products, processes or services. Innovation is the creation of something that improves our lives. A modern company needs to understand what is innovation and what is their dynamics. After all, innovation can determine the strategy, consistent with the goals of the organization and its vision. It is possible to identify another important concept for today’s businesses to be innovative, companies must pay attention to their future, i.e. innovation. The next step is the development and internalization of management tools innovation process. These solutions must be adapted to each specific situation. Consider the size of the company, its sector of activity, culture and organizational structure of the Agency system and the managerial vision of the future and ambitions of leadership. Understanding of the concept of innovation and its application in practice requires time, effort and investment. However, we all see that the company has become a truly innovative, you begin to lead. Innovative products are those that replace the current offerings or are based on them; they offer new features or other benefits that allow users to work more efficiently and/or less expensive.

innovation, know-how, evaluation of innovative potential assessment of enterprises, innovative activity of the enterprise.

Инновации — это процесс, включающий в себя несколько видов деятельности, осуществляемых разными субъектами из одной или ряда организаций, в ходе которого разрабатываются (производятся, реализуются, передаются) старому и/или новому подразделению новые комбинации средств и/или целей, которые являются новыми для создания (трансформации) рабочего подразделения [1].


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