Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
The article focuses on the issue of representing the category of alterity in the communicative sphere of massmedia by indicating its discursive character. Such discursive characteristics as the topic, partners, situation, presuppositions of the interlocutors, linguistic means and transformation of at least one of them, bring forth the variable nature of alterity, i.e., relations within the system Self – Other. The change of the discursive characteristics may result in modifications of both Self-image and Other-image. This is a reverse type of correlation: the change of self-identity of the communicative partners may fluctuate the parametres of the discourse.
alterity, massmedia communication, news event, fluctuation of alterity, the issue of Self and Other, reversiveness.
Сегодня, когда средства массовой информации оказывают такое огромное влияние на все жизненно важные сферы общества, на сознание и представления людей, когда так много зависит от своевременной подачи адекватной информации, проблема функционирования текстов массовой культуры становится как никогда актуальной.
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