Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article compares Russian and Spanish language world pictures in order to understand the deep national origins transmitted through the national culture and language, forming a worldview and influencing communication process with representatives of other nations and ethnoses. National language pictures of the world are a set of ideas about the world, the worldview basis of any nation, since language expresses not only reality, but also cultural archetypes that concentrate the mentality of the nation, which affects virtually all aspects of society and individual life. An attempt has been made to analyze the national language world pictures of Spain and Russia through the study of linguistic and cultural differences and similarities in order to comprehend existing cultural boundaries that are treated more broadly than purely linguistic ones. Intercultural and linguocultural features that emphasize the characteristics of the Spanish and Russian language world pictures are also analyzed, in consequence of which it was revealed that in addition to notable differences in the level of the lexico-grammatical and semantic structures of the language, a certain similarity can be traced between the Spanish and Russian linguocultures, mainly at the level of the most significant value bases. All this allows, first, to substantiate the high probability of forming a common field of argumentation, which constructs the prospect of a positive dialogue between these cultures; second, to suggest the possibility of optimizing the process of intercultural interaction through the strengthening of mutual understanding; thirdly, to show the real significance of linguocultural research from an applied point of view. As a result of the analysis, we came to the conclusion that the continuing cultural and linguistic diversity allows us to maintain the historical balance in the world, which is the basis for the development of mankind, the core of the vitality and identity of peoples and ethnic groups, and the understanding of the originality of national world pictures may in the future become an indispensable condition for preservation of the civilized world and a pledge of sustainable, harmonious development.

national language world picture, Russian and Spanish linguoculture, cultural and linguistic diversity, national mentality, national world view, archetype, globalization, unification of cultures.

Современную эпоху принято связывать с действием стандартизирующей глобализации, активизации межкультурной коммуникации и обострения связанных с ней проблем [17, с. 200], в том числе проблем, проявляющихся в лингвокультурных процессах, например, в связи с такими тенденциями, как стирание языковых (а следовательно, и культурных) изолятов, что, в свою очередь, ведет к сверхпроницаемости культур [4, с. 36–41], [3, с. 68–71], [1, с. 95–103] и оказывает обратное воздействие на языки, дополнительно акцентируя тенденцию унифицирующего упрощения.


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