Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Humanization of the modern national education inevitably entailed changes to the requirements for the individual nature of the competence of professionals working with the child. From the teacher it is required to create a very special environment, in collaboration with the child. It increases the relevance of the professional transformation of the modern teacher and changes in their professional training. Practice shows that many established professionals pedagogical ideas of Montessori discovers the true foundations of the humanistic paradigm of education. Training of Specialists in Montessori system allows them not only to obtain new skills, but also the personality and self-modifying self-development. The course of professional and personal self-development Montessori teacher turns from simple to complex, from cognition to interpersonal and internal communication. In this sequence, each stage of the program appears as an element of the whole process of personal development.

educational system Montessori, Montessori teacher, Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, professional and personal self-development, humanistic paradigm of education, object-spatial environment, stimulating material.

Актуальность. В настоящее время дошкольное образование является ступенью общего образования ребенка. Государством признана уникальность и значимость данного процесса для дальнейшего развития личности ребенка.


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