Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
At the beginning of this paper has been pointed a large number of works, in which organizational, methodological and informational questions related to student competitions of different levels on graphic cycle’s courses are considered. In Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" in 2000-2012 were hold 13 city (regional) student competitions on engineering and computer graphics (ECG) among St. Petersburg high educational institutions. In 2013-2016 regional student competitions were hold in Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University). In this paper has been presented the main page of the site for supporting of regional student competitions on engineering and computer graphics preparation and holding in the St. Petersburg region. Has been demonstrated an example for representation of original data for one of the task options (2016) where it was necessary to create solid models of two parts, assemblies of these parts with standard fasteners, associative drawings of one part and assembly, and the assembly specification. Have been presented tables with criteria for assessments the development correctness of four documents: the part drawing, the assembly drawing, the specification, and a document with the assembly’s axonometric view and a localized section of two parts connection by fasteners. Has been considered a compilation of reference data from the Russian State Standards for student competition task fulfillment. This compilation usage excludes the need for reference books with a large amount of excess information not related to competition tasks. Has been presented information about the procedure for evaluation of performed competition tasks. The efficiency of preparation for participation in the competition based on the analysis of competition tasks performed in previous years has been marked. The experience in preparing students for participation in competitions shows the effectiveness of posting informational and methodical materials on the relevant thematic sites.
engineering and computer graphics, student subject competitions, evaluation tables, solid modeling, KOMPAS-3D system.
Активизации работы по внедрению в учебный процесс перспективных графических информационных технологий и повышению уровня графической и компьютерной подготовки способствовало успешное проведение большого числа олимпиад по инженерной и компьютерной графике.
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