Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper are considered the background, carrying and effectiveness of monitoring as a basis for problem solving in the knowledge obtained during pre-university training. Professional activity’s integrity is connected with resolution in the process of professional training of element-wise, discrete study of educational material, and its whole, integrative and systematic usage. Data on entrance testing of students at one of faculties on check of base knowledge on geometry, drawing principles, and geometrical modeling are presented. During educational process a monitoring of students’ ability on “Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics” discipline was carried out for tracking of rhythm related to material study and assimilation. The monitoring was carried out through problem recognition, setting objectives, revealing of core lines for course control based on work programs and fund of assessment tools. According to the results of entrance control and routine testing at the chair were organized extra classes for those students which have difficulties in the learning of some topics of the course. The aim of extra classes is alignment of knowledge on the course. The emphasis in the course schedule has been made on the most difficult topics of practical studies, and the topics allocated for independent work. The process is orientated on providing of conceptual variability and individual pace for assimilation the educational program. Comparison of learning’s initial level with the final (achieved) one allows measure the "gain" of knowledge, degree of abilities and skills formation, as well as to analyze the didactic process’s dynamics and effectiveness. Based on monitoring results analysis has been plotted the chart characterizing the dynamics of course knowledge quality.

engineering graphics, geometry, learning, monitoring, information, motivation, appraisal fund.

Аэрокосмическая промышленность является одной из наиболее наукоемких и высокотехнологичных, «локомотивом» развития многих отраслей науки, техники и производства.


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