Simferopol', Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The article examines the modern problems of the tourism industry development in the Republic of Crimea with the aim of elaborating comprehensive measures for the development of tourism infrastructure in the region, assign tasks, public-private partnerships in the management of tourism and recreational complex of Crimea. The article is aimed at the process of the development of tourism and recreational complex of Crimea. Particular attention is given to the theoretical-methodological and practical framework for the development of tourism and recreational complex of Crimea at the present stage of economic development. Analysis of the demand for tourist services in Crimea in 2012-2016, shows a range of tourist accommodation and leisure segments. As a result, it is noted the positive trend of tax revenue over that period from tourism facilities of Crimea in structure of total tax revenue, which confirms the urgency of developing Crimean tourism industry. Based on the initial data the authors provide a SWOT-analysis of investment attractiveness of the Republic of Crimea, for considering the development problems of investment attractiveness of the Crimea and find ways to address them. Using a logistic method of economic dynamics, the authors develop probabilistic optimistic and pessimistic projections of tax revenues from the subjects of tourism and recreational complex till 2020. The Republic of Crimea may enter a completely different level of development, corresponding to international standards. Based on the presented potential and classification of various types of tourism, the authors represent the government decisions on the establishment of five tourist-recreational clusters on the peninsula, as well as investment applications in the tourism sector. The research results make it possible to identify the main competitive advantages of the tourism and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea on the international market and the prospects for its further development.
tourism and recreational complex, the tourist industry, tourist services, tax revenues, tourism and recreational clusters, investment attractiveness, SWOT analysis, forecasts of development of tourism and recreational complex
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