Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains the terminological analysis of ‘learning technology’ defi nition as well as its original model based on general system theory is being suggested. The authoress points out theoretical, methodological and practical issues that might be lurking about the way of a researcher while dealing with the diverse and thus tricky phenomenon of learning technology. In conclusion, there are outcomes that are likely to become solid starting points of new scholarly works in the fi eld of creating learning technologies and facilitate the experimenter’s work in order to focus on crucial problems of developing and embedding innovative learning technologies into vocational education and training.

learning technology, issue, pedagogical system, theoretical approach, vocational education and training, learning objectives, learning content, the Federal state standard (National Curriculum) of vocational education and training, general and vocational competencies.

Даже беглый обзор педагогической литературы показывает, что, несмотря на высокую частотность употребления термина «технология обучения», его фактически не существует.


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