Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article includes the analysis of electronic forms of textbooks (EFT) on History, Social studies and Geography and the fi rst experience of using them in Russian schools (since 2015). The main features, components, informational and technical qualities of EFT are characterized. The author presents data of questionnaires, revealing teachers’ attitude towards the new form of textbooks and their approaches to a work with EFT in History, Social studies and Geography courses. The “open questions”, which should be taken into consideration by EFT editors and teachers, are pointed out as well.

an electronic form of textbook (EFT), educational resources of EFT, teachers’ opinions on EFT, methods of using EFT in studying History, Social studies and Geography.

Образовательные ресурсы на электронных носителях — учебники и вкладыши в традиционные учебники, обучающие и контрольные материалы, энциклопедии, справочные издания, электронные книги, мультимедийные альбомы,
образовательные игры и др. — применяются в российских школах в течение длительного времени.


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