Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Federal State Educational Standard brings the school attention to the task of forming civil identity, which harmonize ethnic and regional, all-Russian and universal identity. The aim of the article is researching of genesis of civil identity in Russia and basing the means of its formation. The problem of lack of harmony among ethno-cultural, all-Russian and universal structural components of identity is revealed as a result of pedagogical theory and practice analysis. The program of extracurricular educational activities for their harmonization is proposed.

multicultural, education, identity, ethno-cultural, all-Russian, civil, universal.

Проблема исследования заключается в том, каким образом сохранить сбалансированность взаимосвязанных культурных компонентов поликультурного образования — этнокультурного, регионально-титульного, общероссийского
и мирового, обеспечивающих в совокупности формирование гражданской идентичности личности.


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