Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The concept of systemic design of forest machines in the new economic conditions is proposed in the article. The main provisions of the choice of a mechanism for controlling the trailer of a road train on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options are given. The main characteristics of the management of the road train and the efficiency of the technological process of transportation are determined. The proposed work deals with the issues of controllability of vehicles, which is of considerable interest for the purpose of using such equipment for forest machines, which would provide movement over a different reference surface (snow, sand, marsh etc). It is proposed to improve the electropneumatic design of the trailer drive, taking into account the numerous and changing factors. The analysis of timber car trailer constructions is given. The advantages and disadvantages of wood transportation by multi-tier road train are considered. The main types of road sections. The article analyzes the factors influencing the operational condition of roads. The road junctions are the places where the road accident most often occurs. The probability of ensuring reliability of functioning of separate elements of the highway and also road in general in time of close conditions of operation with technical or economic advantages in comparison with traditional decisions is considered. A graph is presented for determining the speed of the road train according to the proposed method for various conditions and factors. The method of finding the transfer functions of a complex multi-mass mechanical system "VAD" is proposed. The economic efficiency of the truck fleet is determined by the specific costs of transportation of timber, representing the ratio of the sums of costs.

efficiency, transport, road network, safety.
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Условия работы транспортных средств в лесном комплексе РФ имеют свои особенности. Многие участки лесозаготовки находятся на большом расстоянии от мест переработки древесины и стоянки подвижного состава. Поэтому перевозка автопоездом лесоматериалов по необорудованным лесовозным дорогам, особенно в осенневесенний периоды года при неблагоприятных погодных и дорожных условиях представляет значительные трудности. Исследования ЦНИИМЭ дали понять, что в ранее сложившейся структуре лесозаготовительного производства стандартные схемы транспорта леса не отвечают современным требованиям, отсюда возникает необходимость перехода к специализации транспортных средств по новым технологиям [1].


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