Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the necessity of revision of the baseline trends for the management of potentials, comparing the results of innovative development of Russia and Finland. defining their competitive positioning. In recent years, in connection with the market presence of competition for customers, especially buyers of products of famous brands, and for innovative technology, large investment funds global companies is to establish and improve competitive positioning. Note that. the world market among the expected trends in the market positioning of crosscountry, proved to be a sharp increasing attention to information and communication technologies. According to classification of rating Agency “Moody” (“Moody’s”), Finland has the highest credit rating (AAA), which remains unchanged since 2005. The problem is the competitive positioning of countries by global priority factors deserves particular attention today.

management capabilities, marketing and innovative development of countries. Competitive positioning in terms of human development, global competitiveness, etc.

Архитектурой нерешенного в вопросах управления потенциалами маркетинга территорий (стран) является определение и отбор векторов отставания и диагностирования данных позиций конкурентного позиционирования.


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