Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article explored and described the theoretical bases of economic safety in the oil and gas sector: the concept, relationship with energy security, potential and real threats, and the measure and evaluation stages. The analysis of the main indicators of the oil and gas sector of the Russian Federation was conducted, and recommendations were proposed for eliminating threats to economic security. The priority tasks assigned to the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation as the main locomotive of the national economy of the state are highlighted in the work. In addition, possible ways to increase the efficiency of geological exploration and oil and gas production in Russia are identified. Conclusions are drawn about the world community’s lack of development of theoretical aspects of economic security in the oil and gas sector, identified key problems of this sector and the main directions for the future study of the issue; The concept of economic security of the oil and gas complex was proposed.

economic security, oil and gas sector, indicators of evaluation, national economy, volumes of oil and gas production.

Устойчивое и динамичное развитие национальной экономики, ее эффективность и конкурентоспособность на внутреннем и мировых рынках тесно связаны с экономической безопасностью страны.


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