Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the theory and practice of Soviet constructivism as a creative concept in the design of the XX century in the context of the theory of "production art". Subject of research considers to be theoretical propositions, which were implemented in particular design methods and projects of industrial clothes and constructivist fabrics as an example of practical implementation of the ideas of constructivism. The aim of the study is the examination of constructivism as a creative concept in the design from the point of view of formation peculiarities of its theoretical bases and design methodologies. The hypothesis of the study is the constructivism, which arose under the influence of "industrial art" concept, among other things, suggested the active use of the graphical method of forming and methods of combinatorial programmed forming, which were due to the creative experience in the field of non-objective painting. The study uses the cultural studies approach, which considers design activity of constructivists in close connection with the realities of the era, a systematic approach that allows revealing the relationship of aesthetic theories with the concrete practice of design-design, art analysis in the description of projects of the constructivists. The article proves the influence of the theory of "industrial art" on the formation of the concept of constructivism, analyzes the origins and features of the method of constructivism, especially the graphics method of forming and methods of programmed forming. The article compares the concepts of constructivism with the trends of costume design of the XX century. There are identified the "weak points" of the concept and method of constructivism, which became one of the reasons for failing to fully implement projects in practice. For the first time there were identified the causes of failures in the design of the costume, not associated with ideological attitudes, and with the very creative method. The results of the study fill the insufficiently developed areas in the history of constructivism. Because the constructivism methods remain relevant for modern design, the results of the study can be applied in teaching of "Design" profes-sional disciplines.

design, industrial art, constructivism, methods of programmed forming, graphical method of shaping, industrial clothes, constructivist fabrics
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