Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The normative documents actualize the formation of the teacher’s competencies in the management of volunteer initiatives of students. These documents require the formation of appropriate competencies of teachers. It is assumed that the social pedagogical competence will be formed in the framework of the teacher’s acquisition of vocational education, including additional vocational education. The article presents an invariant model for the formation of teachers’ competences in the field of sociocultural, ecological, patriotic, sports and other types of volunteering. The authors revealed the system character of the proposed model, predetermining the complexity of the formation of social pedagogical competencies as the ability to participate in the development and implementation of socially valuable activities of trainees, the development of social initiatives, social projects. Integration of volunteerism into educational organizations is justified as an effective technology for educating young people. In this case, the practical-oriented invariant model and its accompanying variative models are primarily oriented toward the professional growth of pedagogical workers in the capital’s education system.

socially significant activity, volunteering, social pedagogical competence, formal education, non-formal education, professional development.

Профессиональные компетенции определяются как способность успешно действовать на основе практического опыта, умений и знаний при решении профессиональных задач.


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