Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers development trends in adventure tourism in regions of new development where the nature-orient- ed types of tourism are the most perspective. The article is focused on the adventure tourism, particularly on its specifics in regions of new development through the example of Khabarovsk Krai. The main research methods are the system analysis, information and analytical method, descriptive method, cartographical method, etc. In the first part of article the author analyzes the concept and features of adventure tourism. Adventure tourism is one of types of the nature-oriented tourism. It includes visiting unique natural objects (mainly in the wild territories) by means of active forms of movement in combination with moderate physical activities, overcoming difficulties and receiving unforgettable experience, impressions and new knowledge about world around. In the second part of article, the author analyzes specifics of the organization and development trends of of tourism in Khabarovsk Krai using the example of a popular adventure route near the mountain ridge Dusse-Alin. Despite the high natural and resource potential, a number of negative factors restrains the adventure tourism development in the region. The article considers the main problems of adventure tours organization and also offers actions for intensification of adventure tourism development in the region.

adventure tourism, active tourism, sustainable development, regions of new development, recreational potential, Far East, Khabarovsk Krai, mountain ridge Dusse-Alin.
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