Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the key issues in the designing tourist routes is the geographical logic of their construction. Its correct study essentially determines the success and quality of the operation of both the route itself and the travels along it. However, these problems in modern practice gets insufficient attention. And its solution is in the use of a limited set of templates, often not satisfying the goal-setting. The article presents the results of developing a series of basic types of geographical logics of building tourist routes, which became the purpose of the study. Modeling, comparative and abstraction are the main research methods. The author uses systematic, integrated, geographic and situational approaches. With the aim of integrating the properties of tourist routes and programs at the initial stage of the research the author has developed their basic properties, grouped into 13 blocks and presented in the form of a scheme. The article present the results of studying domestic and foreign experience in designing and organizing tourist routes from the positions of geographical logics of their construction and configuration. The author shows the 10 basic types of geographic logics for constructing tourist routes in the form of schemes and descriptions with examples: visits, stringing, crossing, trail, rounding, direction, non-attendance, free-situational, avoidance, camps, research / expeditions. It is shown that in practice this types are mixed.

spatial (geographical) logic of route construction, design, maintenance program, tourism, tourist route.
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