Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
The work is built around the study of the important direction of the development of modern education, consisting in individualization as the basis for the formation of a self-developing personality. It is postulated that self-development is associated with the existential choice of a person, which occurs at the moment of a life event dictated by a specifi c social situation. The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the pedagogical, philosophical and psychological literature on the issue of considering freedom and responsibility, on the one hand, as categories of modern education, on the other hand, as indicators of self-development of the individual. Attention is focused on the educational sense of the category of freedom as freedom not “from” but “for”. Particular attention is paid to the fundamental idea of the concept of existential pedagogy, consisting in the formation of a person who can optimally live his life, making maximum use of his potentials, developing himself and improving himself, realizing himself in socially signifi cant activity. An appeal was made to the ideas of the philosophy of existentialism, which are the basis of the methodology of existential pedagogy, namely: the understanding of essence (J.P. Sartre), choice as the basis of human essence (A. Camus); Freedom as free will (J. Habermas, K. Jaspers), freedom to take responsibility for one’s own destiny, freedom to listen to one’s conscience and make decisions about one’s destiny (V.Frankl); The ideas of existential psychology (V.N. Druzhinin), as well as the psychological theory of overcoming, developed by R.Kh. Shakurov, the main category of which is the barrier that man overcomes and determines his development/self-development.
modernization of education, self-development of the individual, freedom, responsibility, subjectivity, individualization.
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