Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article gives the results of retrospective statistical analysis, which justify the presence of statistical dependencies between the dates of the beginning and the peak values of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Uchinsk reservoir and the intensity of total solar radiation in the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as the value of the integral indices of the activity of the Sun (Wolf number), in the period preceding of phytoplankton bloom. It is found, that the greater the magnitude of the fluxes of solar radiation in the PAR range will get the surface of the reservoir for 28 days of February this year, the later will be observed peaks of the spring phytoplankton bloom.A positive correlation between the parameters of the light regime (the sum of PAR) and the period of the onset of the algae “bloom” in the reservoir is apparently related to the photoinhibition of phytoplankton development directly under the ice, which leads to a later development of the spring “bloom”.The verification of the obtained regression equation showed a good correspondence of actual and calculated dates of spring “bloom” for a ten-year period. A negative correlation was found between the values of Wolf numbers (in February and the average annual values of the current year) and the dates of the spring peaks of phytoplankton bloom, which can be explained by the stimulating nature of the effect of the intensity of natural magnetic fields on the development of phytoplankton.The results of the investigations are of undoubted interest for the analysis of the influence of the light factor and the integral activity of the Sun on the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the reservoir, as well as for an accurate forecast of the onset of spring phytoplankton bloom in drinking-water reservoirs in planning water treatment and water treatment activities.

phytoplankton, forecast of spring microalgae bloom, photoinhibition, solar radiation, Wolf numbers, water quality, correlation coefficient, linear regression, water supply source.

1. Введение
Сезонное развитие водных экосистем определяется комбинацией различных факторов внешней среды, среди которых основную роль играют гидрохимические (биогенные элементы), гелиофизические (интенсивность падающей солнечной радиации), гидрофизические (температура воды, наличие стратификации), гидробиологические (наличие первичных консументов, потребляющих фитопланктон) и ряд климатических.


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