Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the framework of annual regional education quality monitoring in schools was a questionnaire survey of all students fourth grade of Tomsk region, the main aim of survey is to determine emotional and psychological state of students in diff erent situations of educational process.Within this work defi nition of the term “psychological climate” concerning the school students, who are in the educational organization and at home, has been studied and considered. Students were asked to complete a questionnaire describing diff erent situations, attitude to which it was necessary to evaluate, selecting one of the drawings refl ecting the emotional state: fun, sorrow, sadness. Survey of fourth-graders of Tomsk region was conducted by a continuous method, i.e. on all fourth-graders of the Tomsk region (10,942 people). As result of research, it was found out that emotional and psychological state of fourth-graders of Tomsk region is estimated as positive in diff erent situations. However, several problem factors of social and psychological climate, which has been created by participants of the educational relations, have been revealed.

social and psychological climate, regional monitoring of quality of education, emotional psychological state of fourth-graders, educational process.

Ежегодно в образовательных организациях Томской области проводится региональный мониторинг знаний учащихся 4, 6 и 8-х классов. У четвероклассников проверяют знания по русскому языку, математике, окружающему миру и метапредметные компетенции.







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4. Zamyatina O.M., Goncharuk Yu.O., Mozgaleva P.I. Provedenie otsenki kompetentsiy studentov s primeneniem internet-tekhnologiy [Assessment of students ‘ competence with the use of Internet technologies]. Obrazovatel’nye tekhnologii (Moskva) [Educational technologies (Moscow)]. 2013, I. 4, pp. 79-83.

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7. Zamyatina O.M., Solodovnikova O.M., Sadchenko V.O. Obrazovatel’naya sreda kak sposob motivatsii studentov k izobretatel’skoy deyatel’nosti [Educational environment as a means of motivating students to inventive activity]. Psikhologiya obucheniya [Psychology of learning].2014, I. 7, pp. 14-22.

8. Zamyatina O.M., Kuznetsova T.V., Mozgaleva P.I. Etapy stanovleniya proektnoy deyatel’nosti v zarubezhnoy i rossiyskoy shkole [Stages of development of project activities in Russian and foreign school]. Vysshee obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2015, I. 10, pp. 65-67.

9. Kuleshova D.I., Mozgaleva P.I., Zamyatina O.M. Problema vizualizatsii individual’nykh dannykh studentov i sotrudnikov TPU [The problem of visualization of individual data of students and staff TPU]. Resursoeff ektivnym tekhnologiyam - energiyu i entuziazm molodykh: sbornik dokladov IV Vserossiyskoy konferentsii studentov Elitnogo tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya, Tomsk, 24-27 aprelya 2013 g. [Resource-effi cient technologies - the energy and enthusiasm of young people: a collection of papers of IV all-Russia conference of students of Elite technical education, Tomsk, April 24-27, 2013]. Tomsk, Natsional’nyy issledovatel’skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet (TPU) Publ., 2013, pp. 128-131.

10. Mozgaleva P., Gulyaeva K., Zamyatina O.The project fair: the gamifi cation experience of students’ project activity. Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning. 2014. pp. 423-429.

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