Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article approaches to assessment of the top manager and the leader in the organization are considered. Evaluation criteria are developed and assessment of heads and leaders in the real companies is made that has allowed to draw the generalizing conclusions. It is shown that the main problems of heads and leaders are in lack of the eff ective development strategy of the company, weak motivation of personnel, uncomfortable psychological climate in collective.

top manager’s assessment, leader’s assessment, evaluation criteria, problems of the management of the company.

Не зря в заголовке мы обозначили топ-менеджеров (руководителей) компании и ее лидеров, имея в виду прежде всего лидеров, которые ведут компанию, занимая формальные и неформальные лидерские позиции. Нередко это разные категории людей. 


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