Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper deals with an overview of metasubject and interdisciplinary concepts included in the educational space of the subjects of humanities and social sciences (history, geography, social sciences), as well as the basic approaches to the understanding of this conceptual series. A modern educational space is a multi-aspect complex-structured concept. Aside from including an information education component, skills gained in the learning process, as well as multi-level environmental infl uence on all space of its formation (ICT, etc.), the system of teacher-student and person-environment interrelationships itself, a modern educational space also admits the importance of general training concepts exploration by students. In basic school, the concepts (metasubject, interdisciplinary, subject) are formed systematically and by stages, considering the requirements of educational standards to the results of basic education. It also off ers methodical approaches to working with these concept clusters.

state, didactics, interdisciplinary concepts, metasubject concepts, metasubject skills, people, folk, nationality, educational space, society, progress, evolution, revolution, regression, system, structure, ethnicity.

До недавнего времени в научно-методической литературе в большей степени говорилось о межпредметных связях.


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