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Abstract (English):
Development of every world language is influenced by many factors, the most important being historic and social ones. These factors inevitably cause penetration into the recipient language of the new elements, borrowed from their neighbors and partners in the process of communication in different spheres. The dialogue of cultures is based on language practice and takes place all the time. Moreover, the donor language and the receiving language may change roles in the process of historic development. The article focuses on the continuous process of enrichment of European languages by means of borrowing certain elements from speech of their neighbors and foes. At the initial stage borrowed words are received as some alien elements and lack understanding on the part of majority of native population. Socially these borrowings enjoy a higher status than native lexis. However, as the time goes, these elements lose their novelty, and are often adapted to the norms of the recipient language and sometimes they undergo radical transformation. Finally they become part and parcel of the local thesaurus. Nowadays due to globalization of world processes and fast development of high technologies and means of communication linguistic borrowing as the logical consequence of international cooperation has greatly increased in scope and is now an organic part of the global transformation process.

communication, borrowing, elements, development, linguistic, cooperation, means, alien, distortion, globalization.

Заимствование в языках является одним из важнейших факторов их развития. Языки и культуры, лишенные внешнего влияния, консервируются в своей самобытности и неизбежно скатываются на обочину истории. Взаимопроникновение различных
культур увеличивает лексическое богатство соответствующих языков и является следствием социальной жизни человечества.


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