Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the issue of creating an enabling environment for effective work and useful scientific activity. For this, it is necessary to establish an effective and efficient system of labour relations in large scale, which would allow us to focus on achieving important accomplishments. However, the problem of creating a national system of effective management is the inability to import foreign models: countries differ not just in visible things such as language and history, but more importantly, uneven and norms of behavior, attitude to work, to success, to society. The significance of the topic taking into account national differences in the interaction of people highlights the increasing interest in cross-cultural models of organization and formation of effective cross-cultural corporation. The main objective of this study is to assess the availability in local cultures psychological prerequisites for the "productive" activities carried out by representatives of specific forms of worship. In this paper the cultural assumptions that generates progressive and active thinking among representatives of different civilizations are analyzed. This paper assesses the materiality of the influence of sociocultural factors on the productivity of research activities using the evaluation indices of Hofstede by applying Kohonen maps. Cultural profiles for generalized models, their structure and the degree of influence on the practical results of research activities are analyzed. Cultural characteristics of scientific leaders and the General principles are studied. The regularities of communication proactive mentality with the achieved results, as well as their materiality are analyzed.

civilization, national culture, national values, intercultural interaction, neural networks, self-organizing map Kohonen, data visualization, organizational culture, national style of management, scientometrics.
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При создании благоприятной среды для эффективной работы и плодотворной научной деятельности нужно сформировать действенную и результативную систему трудовых отношений в широком масштабе (от конкретного работника до национальной экономики), которая бы позволяла концентрироваться на достижении значимых свершений. В таком случае всегда ориентируются на обширный зарубежный опыт инновационных лидеров в сфере полезных организационных структур [7; 11]. Но проблема простого копирования иностранных механизмов взаимодействия людей заключается в ярких различиях национальных культур [5; 6]: страны расходятся не только в таких заметных вещах, как язык и история, но, что важнее, неодинаковы и нормами поведения, отношением к труду, успеху, обществу.


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