Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In conditions of global information system development, when work on creation of software training resources has been transferred in the rank of priority tasks for Russian Federation’s education modernization, it’s really necessary for each high educational institution to develop its own e-learning tools that meet not only the Federal state educational standards, but also academic disciplines’ work programs approved by the higher educational institution, its industry-based specificity, as well as higher educational institution’s established traditions. This paper’s aim is to present the experience in development of e-learning tools for geometric and graphic disciplines of Saint Petersburg Mining University’s “Descriptive Geometry and Graphics" chair. In the paper has been carried out an overview of e-learning tools used in students training on geometric and graphic disciplines. Have been identified and analyzed visiting statistics and content for various websites of geometrical-graphic profile. Have been performed a patent search and analysis of available information on the Federal Institute of Industrial Property’s official website. Have been analyzed the current requirements for e-learning systems, based on which has been designed a software complex for students’ independent work in bachelor’s degrees 09.03.01 ("Information and Computer Science") and 11.03.04 ("Electronics and Nano-electronics"). The problems related to development of e-learning tools by Borland Delphi, and their features have been considered. Has been described an interface for computer program, and have been presented examples for modeling of typical tasks solved by students of listed bachelor’s degrees at Mining University’s “Descriptive Geometry and Graphics" chair. A structure and content of test questions’ database have been developed using the Microsoft Access database management system. Conclusions as well as software system’s further advanced development and improvement trends have been presented.

e-learning tools, information technologies, geometric and graphic training, requirements for e-learning system, testing systems.

В условиях всеобщей информатизации общества, когда работа по созданию программных учебных средств переведена в ранг приоритетных задач модернизации образования Российской Федерации, кроме классических подходов к обучению студентов
[9; 14], фактически каждому высшему учебному заведению необходимо разрабатывать собственные электронные средства обучения, которые соответствовали бы не только федеральным государственным образовательным стандартам, но и рабочим программам учебных дисциплин, утвержденным высшим учебным заведением, его отраслевой специфике и устоявшимся традициям вуза.


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