Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines crisis developments in the banking system and contains a classification of banking crises. Banking crises have many common characteristics, but often their course is different. They can vary in nature spread of the crisis in the national economy, the depth and severity, the number of affected financial institutions, among other symptoms. The most dangerous and devastating condition is called systemic banking crisis, a crisis that affected the entire national banking system. The author used method of system analysis, method of comparison and clusterization method. We will analyze resolution strategies and specific anti-crisis tools used in Russia and abroad, and applicable to different conditions. Identification of the crisis is needed to develop and adopt strategies to overcome it. Banking crises can cause different and sometimes completely contradictory factors. Practice shows that there is no universal strategy for normalizing the situation in the banking sector, but in any case it is necessary to note the importance of state participation in the process of overcoming the banking crises. In the absence of government intervention banking crises have serious consequences for the economy. The form of state participation in the process of overcoming a banking crisis and the extent of state involvement in solving the problems of insolvency of banks can be different: the government may restrict the measures to promote and support organization of private capital, to prefer the formal financial support of some banks, to take the banks under state control (control) or eliminate part of banks.

banking crisis, types of banking crises, crisis resolution, crisis resolution strategy, crisis resolution tools.

В настоящее время экономика любой страны значительным образом связана с ее банковской системой. Банки не только обслуживают платежи предприятий и организаций, кредитуют их нужды, а также хранят и инвестируют свободные ресурсы обслуживаемых клиентов, но их совокупная деятельность влияет на макроэкономические показатели развития каждой отдельной страны.


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