Nazran', Magas, Russian Federation
The article analyzed and systematized organization of technopark in the field of high technologies in the Republic of Ingushetia. Based on the analysis of technology parks at the regional level it was proposed to create a technopark in the sphere of high technologies in the Republic of Ingushetia. According to the statistics and analysis of the region’s economy the main sectors of activity of the technopark are identified. The aims and objectives of the technology Park are considered. On the basis of the analysis of Russian technology parks the main criteria for the creation of industrial parks are given. For efficient functioning of technopark in the sphere of high technologies in the Republic of Ingushetia since the construction it was offered to consider activities of planning and forecasting the organization and creation of audit Department and internal control. On the basis of the analysis of the research base of the concept of «technopark» was offered the own definition of «technopark». The main provisions, methods and conclusions can be used as in the activities of technopark in the sphere of high technologies in the Republic of Ingushetia and the construction of technology parks at the regional level.
technopark in the field of high technologies, Republic of Ingushetia, goals and objectives, mechanism of organizations, sectors of the economy of the region.
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