Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work describes the training of future teachers with approximate basis of action on unstructured pedagogical problem situation analysis. Training is built on the basis of problem training in combination with the system-activity approach and the technology of step-by-step formation of mental actions. The empirical research involved graduate students from 10 diff erent postgraduate schools of the Higher School of Economics, past pedagogical practice, future teachers of higher education. The experiment shows that the content of knowledge on the composition and structure of steps which are to be implemented in order to analyze unstructured problems are the external cause of enhancing the eff ectiveness of the unstructured problem solving in number and categorical diversity of developed solutions.

approximate basis of action, task, problem solving, problem situation.

Несмотря на большое внимание, которое привлекает сегодня компетентностный подход в развитии профессионально-педагогической компетентности и ключевых компетенций студентов в процессе их обучения в педагогическом вузе, данные аспекты все еще учитываются недостаточно.


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