Kostroma, Kostroma, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article presents an author’s methodic for assessing the quality of the additional educational program for children as a normative document. The diagnostic methodic was created during the discussion work of project groups. It is used successfully in the framework of existing regional quality assessment model of additional education of children of the Kostroma region, focused on achieving the objectives of the federal and the regional concepts of development additional education of children. Evaluation is carried out with the participation of the administration, teachers, children and their parents. Diagnostic methodic is distinguished by such features as ease of use, accessibility for all groups the participants of monitoring, the possibility of mathematical processing methods and automated analysis of the study results.
methodology, quality assessment, additional general development program, organization of additional education for children.
Значимость дополнительного образования в развитии подрастающего поколения позволяет ему и сегодня сохранять свои позиции в качестве важнейшей составляющей единого образовательного пространства современного российского общества.
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