Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the existing western approaches to the evaluation of performance indicators, which are now actively used in Russia: Management by Objectives, Balanced Scorecard, a system for assessing key performance indicators, etc. The work of domestic authors is also considered, dedicated to measuring financial performance and evaluation of staff. The article deals with the main concepts related to measuring performance: «key performance indicators» (KPIs), «key results indicators» (KRIs) and etc. The research showed that in most cases companies use existing methods to measure their performance, aimed at assessing financial indicators or qualifications, knowledge, skills of employees. In turn, the methods of measuring effectiveness and effectiveness, which allow to reflect the level of achievement of the set goals, the degree of effectiveness of the activities of personnel and the organization as a whole, provide feedback to employees on key areas of their actions are in demand less. The article also provides the basic rules for the application of the performance measurement system, which makes it possible to improve the efficiency of its application.

management of organizations, performance measurement activities, key performance indicators, human resource management, assessment.

Современные тренды в области менеджмента таковы, что особенно актуальными становятся новые подходы к оценке результативности и эффективности работы компании в целом и ее основного ресурса — персонала. Процесс измерения
результативности начинает занимать ключевое место в управление организацией.


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